PPE Gear & Equipment

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. It includes any item or clothing or garment that is designed to protect the body from picking up infections or getting injuries including pads, shields and masks. Depending on its purpose, PPE protects the wearer from airborne infections or toxic materials, chemicals, burns, electric shocks, physical injury and more. You may have to wear PPE as part of your job for compliance with health and safety standards.

How to use PPE

  • Follow the instructions for each item as supplied.
  • Always wash your hands before putting on PPE, after you take it off, and if you touch it at any time.
  • If you’re wearing a mask, make sure it covers your mouth, nose and chin.
  • If you wear glasses and require eye protection, use a face shield or goggles over your glasses.
  • Remove gloves with the ‘glove-in-glove’ technique, where you lift the glove at the wrist and peel it from your hand so it turns inside out.
  • Remove masks with the loops behind your ears and avoid touching the mask. If you do, wash your hands immediately.
  • Dispose of used PPE in bins provided.